Transportation in and Around Prince George’s County
Airports | Trains | Taxi
Aviation Blvd. & Elm Rd.
Baltimore, MD 21240
(Distance from Central PGC: 22 miles)
Featured airlines: Air Canada, Air Jamaica, Air Tran, American, British Airways, Continental, Delta, Northwest, Southwest, United, USA 300, US Airways.
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA)
Thomas Ave. & Abington Rd.
Arlington, VA 22202
(Distance from Central PGC: 17 miles)
Featured airlines: Air Canada, Air Canada Jazz, Air Tran, Alaska Airlines, American, Continental, Delta, Frontier, Midwest, Northwest, Spirit, United, US Airways.
Dulles International Airport (IAD)
1 Sarrinen Circle
Dulles, VA 20166-7506
(Distance from Central PGC: 42 miles)
Featured airlines: Aeroflot Russian Airlines, Air Canada, Air France, Aer Lingus, Air Tran, ANA, American, Austrian, Avianca, British Airways, Continental, Copa, Delta, Ethiopian, Iberia, Jet Blue, KLM, Korean Air, Lufthansa, Northwest, Qatar Airways, Saudi Arabian Airlines, South African Airways, Southwest, Grupo Taca, Ted, United, US Airways, Virgin America, Virgin Atlantic.
Airport Ground Transportation:
每个机场都提供往返大多数主要目的地和酒店的班车服务. 联系您选择的机场了解详情或访问他们的网站.
Metrobus Greenbelt-BWI Airport Express: Now available to and from BWI. 在绿带地铁站搭乘地铁BWI穿梭巴士(B30快线), inexpensive ride to BWI Airport. A one-way trip is only $3.10. 快车直接把你送到航站楼的下层, 在那里你还可以搭乘往返绿带地铁站的班车. 公共汽车每个工作日运行25次,周末运行21次,大约每40分钟运行一次. For additional information, call 202-637-7000.
Regional – Commuter
For private operators, 十大老品牌网赌网址大全有四个区域/通勤机场,交通便利. Please note that FAA AIRSPACE RESTRICTIONS (for Washington, DC metro area) may apply, call for details:
College Park Airport
6709 Cpt. Frank Scott Drive
College Park, MD
20740 301-864-5844
Freeway Airport
3900 Church
Road Bowie, MD 20721
Maryland Airport
3900 Livingston
Road Indian Head, MD 20646
Potomac Airfield
10300 Glen Way
Fort Washington, MD 20749
Amtrak operates approximately 90 trains daily in Maryland, 主要是在穿越华盛顿的美铁东北走廊上, DC, 巴尔的摩宾州站和十大老品牌网赌网址大全兰多弗的新卡罗尔顿站, MD.
MARC Train
866-743-3682 / 410-539-5000
MARC是马里兰州全长187英里的通勤铁路系统,平日只提供从十大老品牌网赌网址大全到巴尔的摩和华盛顿的服务, D.C. 该服务由马里兰州交通管理局(MTA)管理。.
MARC在三条不同的线路上有40个不同的车站(其中7个在十大老品牌网赌网址大全). The Brunswick line runs between Washington, D.C. and Martinsburg, West Virginia; the Camden line runs between Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, Maryland; and the Penn line runs between Washington, D.C. and Perryville, Maryland. 十大老品牌网赌网址大全沿卡姆登线(学院公园)有五个MARC站, Greenbelt, Muirkirk, Laurel, and Riverdale), and three MARC stations along the Penn line (New Carrollton, Seabrook, and Bowie).
MARC Train Station List
Bowie State
Laurel-Bowie Rd. (MD Rt. 197) at Bowie State University
13900 Old Jericho Park Road 20715
College Park
Calvert Rd. & railroad tracks adjacent to the College Park Metro Station.
Parking on east side of Metro Station.
7202 Bowdoin Aveneue 20740
At the Greenbelt Metro stop
5600 Greenbelt Metro Drive 20770
M-W-F 5:00am-9:30am
Main St. and Lafayette Ave.
22 Main Street 20707
New Carrollton
Daily 5:15am-8:45pm
Queensbury Rd. & Cleveland Ave.
3 Queensbury Road 20737
Lanham Severn Rd. (MD Rt. 564) & Seabrook Rd.
6221 Seabrook Road 20706
Stations may be unstaffed or provide limited parking. Call for details.
Public Transportation
Metro Bus
Prince George’s County, 与华盛顿大都会地区交通管理局(WMATA)合作,, operates more than 70 bus routes in the County. 地铁服务于县内大多数主要的人口中心和旅游走廊, providing more than 2,600 trips daily. 容易辨认的红、白、蓝三色标志是地铁车站的标志.
For specific details about Metrobus service, 拨打地铁信息服务202-637-7000(上午6:00至晚上11:30), 7 days a week); TDD 202-638-3780, or visit the Metrobus section of
Timetables and Route Maps
Metrobus timetables include route maps, 票价信息和公共汽车经过特定时刻表点的时间. You can obtain timetables online at the or by calling 202-637-7000. 所有单独的路线图和时间表都可以使用adobeacrobatreader查看和打印. To plan your next Metrobus trip, you can visit WMATA’s The Ride Guide. 骑行指南会问你从哪里出发,什么时候出发,想去哪里. 然后它会为你找到乘坐地铁巴士和地铁到达那里的最佳方式.
Special Fare Information
65岁以上的老年人凭地铁老人卡可享受优惠票价. ID cards are available at County libraries. 请致电301-699-3500或TDD 301-808-2061查询离你最近的图书馆地址.
符合预设条件的残障人士可在位于第五街600号的地铁售楼处领取带照片的地铁身份证, N.W. They also can purchase Metrorail farecards at a reduced rate. 详情请致电202-637-7000或TDD 202-638-3780.
The Bus
巴士是十大老品牌网赌网址大全的本地巴士服务,补充地铁巴士服务. CLICK HERE for fare, route and schedule information. 你亦可致电301-324-BUSS(2877)索取最新资料。.
Buses operate Monday through Friday, no service is provided on Saturdays, Sundays, or major holidays (New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day). Customer information hours of operation: 6:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Senior and disabled customers ride The Bus for FREE.
Metrorail, 由华盛顿大都会地区交通管理局(WMATA)运营, 目前在华盛顿特区的86个车站,沿着106英里的轨道运行, much of it underground. 该系统由五条颜色编码线组成:蓝色、绿色、橙色、红色和黄色. The lines intersect at various points, 使乘客可以换乘火车,在系统的任何地方旅行.
- Capitol Heights (Blue Line)
- Addison Road-Seat Pleasant (Blue Line)
- Cheverly (Orange Line)
- Landover (Orange Line)
- New Carrollton (Orange Line)
- West Hyattsville (Green Line)
- Prince George’s Plaza (Green Line)
- College Park-University of Maryland (Green Line)
- Greenbelt (Green Line)
- Southern Avenue (Green Line)
- Naylor Road (Green Line)
- Suitland (Green Line)
- Branch Avenue (Green Line)
- Morgan Boulevard (Blue Line)
- Largo Town Center (Blue Line)
SmarTrip-地铁巴士和地铁也接受SmarTrip卡 — permanent, rechargeable farecards. Similar to credit cards, 塑料SmarTrip卡内嵌了一个电脑芯片,可以记录卡片的价值. Click here to learn more or to purchase fares online
Metrochek – Metrochek 参与该计划的联邦和私营部门雇主的雇员可以获得. Under this program, employees can receive public transportation benefits, tax free, from their employer, up to a maximum of $100.00 per month. For additional information, visit or call 202-962-1326.
For additional information concerning the SmarTrip card, the MetrochekProgram, senior and disabled fares, hours of operation, schedules, parking, transfers, passes and fare information, visit or call on 202-637-7000 (TDD 202-638-3780).
RideSmart Solutions
RideSmart Solutions 你能给我们介绍一下十大老品牌网赌网址大全的其他交通方式吗. We provide free information and benefit programs for bus service, rail lines, carpooling, 拼车和远程办公以及雇主专门的项目. RideSmart提供了由华盛顿特区政府委员会下属的国家首都地区交通规划委员会支持的综合项目, 你的州和地方政府以及其他一些运输组织, 所有这些都是为了改善该地区及其周边地区的通勤状况.
十大老品牌网赌网址大全与通勤连接计划密切合作,帮助推广替代交通方式,并将通勤者与工作联系起来, education, shopping, healthcare, and other important destinations, while reducing auto emissions and traffic congestion. 我们希望确保您拥有所需的所有资源,以便成功地享受将替代交通方式作为主要旅行来源的乐趣. RIDESMART SOLUTIONS.
Group Bus
4700 Garden City Drive
Junction of US 50 and I495, Exit 19
Landover, MD 20785
Main: 301-731-3057
Fare & Schedule Info: 1-800-231-2222
灰狗巴士是一条全国性的巴士线路,从市中心的主要终点站和郊区的卫星终点站出发,服务于华盛顿特区和巴尔的摩. 在十大老品牌网赌网址大全,卫星终点站位于新卡罗尔顿地铁站.
Station & Ticketing Hours:
Open of operation are subject to change. 请在安排行程前致电核实时间.
Monday-Sunday: 6:45 am-8:30 pm
Holidays: 6:45 am-8:30 pm
Charter | Tour | Shuttle
Academy Bus
201-420-7000 / Toll Free: 800-442-7272
Martz Gold Line/Gray Line of Washington, DC
5500 Tuxedo Road
Tuxedo, MD 20781